Dr. Marilyn G. Stewart,
Professor Emerita
Art Education and Crafts
Kutztown University
"I shall never forget the unit she created for Grade 5, entitled, “Her Stories: Connecting the Past, Present and Future Voices,” in which she would have her students explore the notion that “art can be a means for uncovering the past...She remains, in my 37 years there, one of the top three or four students to move through our art education program. As the largest undergraduate art education program in the nation, that’s saying something, to be sure."
Dr. Karen Keifer-Boyd,
Professor of Art Education
Penn State University
"With leadership skills and experience in curriculum development and teaching along with self directed, collaborative, and detail-oriented work in all the MPS courses—she is an ideal candidate for your School District art teacher position. Nicole Tucker is responsible, dedicated, experienced, and motivated to accomplish high quality work. "
Sharlene Yontosh,
Former Marion Walker
Elementary Principal
“Nicole is a team player who will step up beyond the norm and work with colleagues to enhance students’ educational experiences. One example of her work would be the implementation of an elementary art show where not only students’ artwork is displayed, but processional artists, art commissions, secondary art students and the entire elementary instrumental and string program contributed to the richness of the evening.”
Dr. Amy Pfeiler-Wunder,
Professor of Art Education and Crafts
Kutztown University
“ I have been an art educator for over thirteen years and worked with numerous student teacher. Mrs. Tucker stands out as one of the best and brightest. Mrs. Tucker is a wonderful teacher, a caring and compassionate colleague and motivating leader. One of her many strengths is her ability to write engaging and motivating lessons. She posses a keen awareness of how to capture students through the use of developing units around “Big Ideas.”